

Govardhana Puja is celebrated a day after Diwali. The puja is dedicated to Lord Krishna, who came to the rescue of His people in Vrindavan, when they were affected by torrential rains.

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According to scriptures, the people of Vrindavan worshipped Indra for the good rains and harvest each year. Lord Krishna realized that Indra was taking pride in the offering made by the people and decided to teach him that Krishna and not Indra was the Protector of all. He convinced the people of Vrindavan to worship nature and make offerings to Govardhan Giri, which was good pasture land for their cows. Angered by the change in attitude of the people, Indra sent down torrential rains. The people of Vrindavan, unable to protect themselves from the rain, surrendered to Lord Krishna asking Him to save them. Krishna lifted the mighty Govardhan Giri with His little finger, and holing it like an umbrella got all the animals and devotees under it until the rains relented. For seven days the people stayed under the hill. Indra realizing his folly sought Krishna’s forgiveness.

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