
Aruna Parayana and Suryanamaskarams at 7.30 a.m.

Sun, Mar 7
7:30 am – Surya Namskaram
9.00 a.m. Aruna Parayana
Aruna parayanam is recitation of the powerful mantras related to Surya Upasana, salutation to Sun God. Aruna Prashnam is a part of Yajur veda Saakha, Aranyakam. It’s recitation will bestow the devotee with a long, disease free life, and other goals sought. Register using the link SURYA to have your name and gothram included in the sankalpam.
Aruna prashnam contains 32 anuvakas with 132 mantras. It covers prayers to Sun God, his effects on the cycle of time, the seasons, day, night, fortnight and so on. It also talks about the Maha Meru, the eight Aadityaas, death and it’s reasons, Ashwini devatas, power of Surya Upasana, prayers to Indra, Agni, Vaayu and Surya; agni prathishta, sautations to jala devata, Jagath Srishti, the description of different narakams (hell) and much more. Generally a namaskara is offered at the end of each mantra after reciting ‘ Sri Chaya Suvarchalamba Sameta Sri Suryanarayana Swamine namaha’. At the temple, Aruna Prashnam will be chanted, devotees can do vedic surya namaskaram as priests chant or can register for the Aruna Homam.
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