Magha Masa is very special for Lord Suraya (Surya Jayanthi is celebrated on Saptami, the seventh day. Also called Ratha Saptami), and it is very auspicious to offer our prayers to Lord Surya in this month of Magha, in particular, it is highly recommended on Sundays. It will help to correct any health disorders/disturbances in one’s life and create a positive impact on both body and mind.
Sunday, Feb.2nd at 8.30 a.m. Aruna Parayana - $31 sponsorship
Tuesday, Feb. 4th at 8.30 a.m. Ratha Saptami Surya Namaskarams & Aruna Parayana - $51 sponsorship
Sunday, Feb. 9th at 8.30 a.m. Aruna Parayana - $31 sponsorship
Sunday, Feb. 9th at 10.00 a.m. Aruna Homam - $51 sponsorship
Sunday, Feb 16th at 8.30 a.m. Aruna Parayana - $31 sponsorship
Sunday, Feb 23rd at 8.30 a.m. Aruna Parayana - $31 sponsorship
All events - $151 sponsorship