
Rudra Homam at 10 a.m.

Rudra Homam at 10 a.m., August 30

Lord Shiva is the conqueror of death and the destroyer of suffering; physical, mental, and spiritual. In this havan, we propitiate Lord Shiva to grant us and our loved ones a long life free from all kinds of illness and disease. This havan is linked to the Mahamrityunjaya mantra which when said properly with full devotion one is protected against accidents, misfortunes of any kind, fear of death, and even death itself. This havan is being performed not just for ourselves and our loved ones, but also for “Vishwa Shanti” or the peace and well-being of the entire world. To Sponsor for Rudra Homa

HiNDU GOD: SHIVA | Lord shiva, God shiva, Hindu gods

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